
is an AI application that uses a wearable device (Copilot) to document and analyze triggers to suggest coping actions suited to individuals who are impacted by traumatic events.


  • issue

    Triggers induced by trauma are increasingly untreated due to obstructions like cost, time, guilt, and a lack of awareness. Consequently, these triggers develop into more severe chronic mental health problems.

  • concept

    Cope is an AI application that uses a wearable device (Copilot) to document and analyze triggers to suggest coping actions suited to individuals who are impacted by traumatic events.

  • solution

    Cope utilizes a wearable AI device to help track and identify when, where, and why triggers induced by trauma occur and will suggest actions and coping methods based on the trigger activity in the paired application through machine learning.

  • team

    Visual Design Lead - Juliana Sampaio

    Research Lead - Cherie Chung

    Project Lead - Laura Ford

    Product Design Lead - Charlie Bowles

    Interaction Design Lead - Tucker Hemphill

  • my role

    generative research

    interview & user testing facilitating

    story boarding

    wireframing & prototyping

    UI design & content strategy

    visual design of deliverables

  • discover

    In this phase of secondary and primary research, we found that 70% of U.S. adults have experienced trauma----that's about 223.4 million people! These traumatic experiences happen every day, causing intense frightening emotions and leading to more severe chronic problems.

    The need to recover and cope with the memory of this experience opens up a huge opportunity space to innovate. Researching this issue, my team garnered 8 qualitative survey responses, 102 quantitative survey responses, and 8 user interviews. 531 data points were used in affinity mapping.

  • define

    The consolidated sticky notes informed 'How Might We' (HMW) statements, used to determine the project direction. On a high level, we found that the support system around people affects the way they approach coping with trauma, responses to triggers affect a person’s physical health as well as their social, academic, and professional life in the long run, and most importantly, coping methods vary and are very specific to each individual.

    These insights also unearthed various user groups, some of which fell outside of our project scope. So we decided to focus on young adults, ages 18 to 35, who prefer, or have no other option but to prefer, self-management in coping with their trauma. Centralizing our ideation on this HMW:

    How might we provide a safe environment fro self motivators and encourage self awareness, initiative action in trauma recovery while reducing the negative effects of trauma symptoms in everyday life?

  • develop

    After several rounds of ideation and projections on a feasibility chart, we landed on an initial concept: Cope is a wearable AI device to help track and identify when, where, and why triggers induced by trauma occur and will make suggestions in the paired application. To develop the use case more thoroughly, we created a persona and a user scenario from that.

    We then developed iterative designs through the low, mid, and high fidelity stages. We had the ability to user test after the low-fi designs with designers from Google and Arcadia Earth, taking their input into the mid-fi designs. We retested with the updated mid-fi UI and proceeded to make changes to the high-fidelity screens.

  • deliver

    We tested our high-fidelity UI and created a rendering of our wearable prototype. We prototyped our app and designed our brand packaging. For thorough product development, we also specified that our wearable deemed 'Copilot' would only cost $5.15 for production, keeping our product affordable for our target audience.

    At the end of our project we produced many deliverables. One thing was was important to us was to keep our prototype as real as possible, so we also designed packaging for our physical attachment. Attached bellow are all our deliverables.